Let me quickly summarize where i am now. I recently made the decision to get out of the pharmaceutical industry. While it was absolutely, 100% the right decision for me, it obviously has impacted our lives (by ours i mean husband chris, son christopher (9), daughter erin (7), and our beloved dog & first child madeline (11)-fyi, i'm doing this for for those who don't already know me who may be reading this-it could happen... so that we'll all be on the same page). So four years of great income and endless benefits, to nothing. Those of you who know me know the reasons why. Those who don't are just going to have to take my word on this-the job sucks (there i said it). So now, after talking with my friend and real estate agent Carol, i've decided to pursue real estate. I'm taking the online course and am nearly finished with it. I'm excited about this opportunity, but-true to form-i have not allowed myself the luxury of recognizing that there is a learning curve involved in this, so am anxious and stressed out about the whole "starting up" process. Then there's the fact that i'm not at all happy about my weight. I know it's all in my control, i shouldn't let it rule my life,bla,bla,bla...but i'm pretty miserable. in fact-a big apology to mom and hugh for bagging out on the Heart Ball. I just can't put on a happy face and be around lot's of people right now. I have been working hard, since january, at the gym and was seeing some progress, but than ran into some setbacks. I was in bed for a week on percocet with a migraine and then my partner in crime (99% of them anyways) took off to new york for a week. that's right, i blame you kristie-j.k. (luv ya!). But i'm back on track, so look for good news on the horizon re: weight news! Enough whining, i'm excited about getting this first post done (don't worry-the rest of my issues will come out in future posting!)!! For now, a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do and this girl needs to learn how to put her big girl panties on and deal with life!! So look for me-and my blog!-to evolve and improve (with setbacks of course and no doubt a little drama) with time!
Go for it honey. You've got too much good in you to keep it away from the rest of us. We know you will get there. We love you, mom and hugh
Ha, I left your first comment! Just realized that. Get it down pat so you two can help me start mine. Love, mom
ok, wait a minute here...this is best friend (aka kristie) who is off in NY in a bit of misery of her own... it takes two to tango kiddo!!! Misery loves company! We'll get back into the workout routine ASAP (MONDAY AM as soon as the little f------ get off to school!!!). Fat is as fat does. We love our wine and just need to learn to burn it faster than we can drink it. By the time we hit the beach this summer we will both be able to laugh at the other people on the sand....that's my goal. By the way... are you actually sleeping??? I just tried to call you and no answer. Anyhow, I miss you, love you and can't wait to get back. REALLY. Congrats on the blog... been trying to figure it out myself, but lately it seems like there aren't enough hours in the day. ... chin up and head straight on to morning
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