Monday, March 27, 2006

Game On!!!

First day back at the gym after a hiatus and it felt great! Kristie-we kicked some tail today girlfriend!!I know we're on the right track. I'm so happy you and Loghy are back with us! Not a whole lot else to report here...
Hang in there Aunt Jenny. As you know, I have no concept of delayed gratification so I can't imagine what you are going through. I know you already know this, but remember, you have a neice and nephew who adore you and are available for you anytime. They can't get enough of you. I'm advance warning looong as you want them. You know we love ya and we're here for you always!!
Big Hug


Abby's Mom said...

Thanks Aunt Laurie, I needed that!
Love, Aunt Jenny

Anonymous said...

Spread some of that to me too!!!! love you, mom