Tuesday, April 04, 2006

One step closer ...

Wakka Wakka

Whew...half of the real estate licensing process is behind me. I passssed!!! I've completed the course work and exam required to become an agent and am taking the Virginia state license exam thursday (4-06) a.m..

Here are Christopher and Erin congratulating me...

*scrunchie alert Open Mouth

no really-they are...

As for how Madeline felt...

our poor neurotic basketcase was unavailable for comment as she was all doped up on valium due to a massive storm system that was passing through (and no I don't mean my children). Don't you love the one eye open :).

A big thank you to all of you who were rooting for me!!! Please keep the wishes and prayers coming for thursday ...


Erin had her first softball practice today and loooved it!! We're so proud of her. I promise some sports pics of the kids are coming.


1 comment:

Abby's Mom said...

Good Job!